By Maria Falgoust
International School of Brooklyn
Angela, I was so happy to see
your name as a Printz committee member! Inquiring minds want to know, how did
you find yourself on the committee? Was it something you dreamed of doing?
I have wanted to be on the Printz
Award committee ever since I attended the very first Printz Award Program,
which took place at the 2000 ALA Annual conference. The winning authors that
year--Walter Dean Myers, Laurie Halse Anderson, David Almond, and Ellen
Wittlinger--were all incredibly passionate and well-spoken. Many of Michael
Printz’s friends and colleagues seemed to be in attendance. It was an emotional
and thrilling event.
Years passed. I served on the
Alex Awards and several YALSA process committees and task forces, and chaired
the first YALSA Nonfiction Award before starting the SLJ Adult Books 4 Teens
blog which necessitated taking a break from book committees. Then I was asked
to chair the YALSA Awards Oversight Committee in 2016. Volunteering my time on that process committee was a
great way to get back into serving YALSA. When Sarah Hill became president of
YALSA, she asked me to chair Printz. We had served on the Alex Awards together,
she wrote reviews for AB4T and then took over as co-editor after I left. I
suppose she knew she could trust me to lead the committee well.
The committee as a whole read
around 620 books (I know because we kept a spreadsheet!). I read around 130 myself.
I read our nominations 3 or 4 times each. Can’t tell you how many nominations
we had, but it was a high number - it was a very strong year.
What did you do with all of the
books after you finished reading them?
Some went into my library’s collection. I shamelessly wrote all over the serious contenders, so I will either keep or discard those. I am giving the bulk to Literacy for Incarcerated Teens (
How did you manage to make time
to read all of the books required by selection committee (while working full
time, singing in a choir and writing a book!)
Well, I gave up singing for the
year! I also gave up television and going to the movies. Otherwise, I’m not
sure how I did it. Mostly it was consistency and setting clear weekly goals.
Every day I got home from work and read for a good hour or two before taking a
long break to enjoy dinner with my husband. (Oh, and I am very lucky to have a husband
who likes to cook! I gave up most of that, too.) Then back to the books. I read
one or two books each weekend. At the beginning I had grand plans of setting my
alarm one hour earlier three days a week, but that never happened!
Writing a book at the same time
was really tough. I had been working on the book for 3 years already, and
expected to be finished by April. June at the latest. In reality, I finished in
late October. I spent every minute of last summer (with the exception of a
two-week vacation) writing and reading. The Readers’ Advisory Guide to Teen Literature comes out this summer! Fellow HVLA members Karyn Silverman and
Carrie Shaurette contributed chapters!
What were some of your favorite
titles that didn’t win that you think everyone should know about?

I get the impression most people don’t know who Michael L. Printz was.
Can you tell us about him.
Michael Printz, or Mike as he was called, was a Middle School Librarian
in Topeka, Kansas who was passionate about connecting books and readers. He
served on YALSA committees like BBYA and the Margaret Edwards Award, and he
worked closely with authors like Gary Paulsen and Chris Crutcher to connect
boys with books. Unfortunately, he passed away in 1996. I never met him. If you
want to know more, please take a look at A Printz of a
Man, and read the transcript of the talk he gave at ALA in 1991, “A Big Fat
Hen; A Couple of Ducks.” He addresses how school librarians make a difference
in the lives of students.
What was the most surprising
aspect of serving on the Printz Committee?
I was surprised by how smoothly
our final Midwinter meetings went, and especially the voting process. We
followed the procedures, had faith in the process, and it all worked out
beautifully. That is not to
say that there wasn’t plenty of lively debate!
On a personal note, I continue to
ponder the effect of reading a book multiple times. I learned how hard it is to
see the forest for the trees on an initial reading. I had been dreading the
re-reading period, but I came to appreciate it deeply.
I read that committee members attend training. How does the Printz
committee process try to eliminate personal bias, or is that inescapable?
I think the most important thing about the Printz Award process is to
keep the focus on literary merit, and to discuss those merits in a respectful
way throughout the year, both online and in person. We worked hard at this, and
it seemed to minimize personal bias. It’s not about loving a book, it’s about
how well the author executes the elements of character, plot, setting, theme,
tone, style, etc. to create an excellent work of literature. Over time, we were
able to let go of our personal preferences.
What I love most about our winner and honor titles is that we
concentrated on merit to the letter and ended up celebrating deeply emotional,
relevant and meaningful works of art.

Yay Angela! How amazing that you did this.
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